26-11-2014 09:09Esmeralda
Oh my gosh you guys look so good and so happy! Glenn you look different with the long hair, I guess it’s beuacse I didn’t know you when you had the long hair. Kafai… waaa ho leng lui ahhh! http://micgrzk.com [url=http://mkyyuhyxyj.com]mkyyuhyxyj[/url] [link=http://rxmxzs.com]rxmxzs[/link]
24-11-2014 07:07Taylor
There are more beautiful<a href="http://eacxry.com"> pclaes</a> though! XD But this is amazing too. I went to like 30 waterfalls in the EU, but most of them were like a day or two hike to get there, and they are so natural, and hard to get to, that they are not really (maybe 1%) of a tourist destination. I love Croatia though! There are beautiful<a href="http://eacxry.com"> pclaes</a> everywhere.
22-11-2014 23:11Vicky
That';s a brilliant answer to an inetersting question